CRCI²NA - Nantes - Angers Cancer and Immunology Research Center

Team 10

Research Goal

The classical therapeutic scheme for neural cancers, such as Glioblastoma and Neuroblastoma, involved surgery followed with a combination of radio- and chemotherapies. However tumor location and acquired treatment resistance limit the efficacy of these treatments. Novel non-genotoxic therapeutic approaches in combination with actual treatments are currently being explored to improve their efficacy.

On this basis, the PETRI team explores key parameters involved in tumor aggressiveness and relapse, in particular tumor metabolic adaptation and tumor microenvironment cooption.

Our research program is organized around three main axis :
1)Impact of microvascular dysfunctions in tumor response to radiotherapy and relapse
2) Reciprocal impact of metabolic adaptation, microenvironment, and radiotherapy in the tumor ecosystem
3) Development of innovative immunotherapeutic strategies through antibody and T-cell engineering

photo equipe

Contact us

We are open to applications from highly motivated individuals.

François Paris, DR INSERM
Claire Pecqueur, DR CNRS



Axis 1

Vascular dysfunction plays a key role in the enhancement of RT-induced tumor regression and normal tissue toxicity after RT. We recently define that irradiated endothelial cells are developing a different acute and late secretome. We are willing to understand their similarity and difference in the modulation of RT efficacy. Final goal of this project is to facilitate the development of new therapeutic strategies targeting tumor microenvironment to prevent the resistance and recurrence of tumors after RT, which is a major challenge to prolong patient survival

Axis 2

We have shown that metabolic targeting could be exploited to reduce GBM aggressiveness or to sensitize them to chemotherapy. However, how metabolism affects radiation sensitivity and inversely how radiation modifies cell metabolism are key questions to answer before turning these metabolic vulnerabilities into therapeutic opportunity.

Axis 3

Since 2008, our team focuses on immunotherapeutic strategies targeting the O-acetylated form of GD2 (OAcGD2). Being a carbohydrate antigen, OAcGD2 possesses identical biochemical structures between species, allowing antigen cross-reactivity and is a T cell-independent antigen, an interesting characteristic in poorly immunogenic tumors. We have shown that OAcGD2 is highly expressed on all NB tumors, but, contrary to GD2, is not found on peripheral nerves, pituitary gland and human brain. We have developed the 8B6 anti-OAcGD2 chimeric antibody which display immunological antitumor activity (ADCC and CDC) similar to GD2 mAb in vitro and in vivo. Our recent work has also shown that adoptive transfer of allogeneic Vγ9Vδ2 T lymphocytes might be considered as an efficient immunotherapy, at least in GBM). The final goal of these projects is to establish the proof-of-concept of targeted immunotherapies in preclinical models of GBM, NB and MB in combination with RT, essential for its translation to phase I/II clinical trials.

Team Members

François Paris, DR INSERM
Claire Pecqueur, DR CNRS

François Vallette, DR INSERM
Stéphane Birklé, PU
Sophie Fougeray, MCU
Christophe Olivier,
Catherine Gratas, MCU-PH
Céline Salaud, MCU-PH
Lisa Oliver,

Sabine Goude , AI
Laetitia Durand, AI
Yannick François, TR
Marine Bourgeois, TR
Maeva Veerasamy, IE

Emmanuel Rio, PH-ICO
Estelle Thébaud, PH-CHU
Sébastien Faraj, MCU-PH

Pierre Paris, PhD Student
Pauline Thomas, PhD Student
Inès El Rifai, PhD Student
Hala Awada, PhD Student
Edouard Samarut, PhD Student
Ophélie Renoult, PhD Student
Théo Désigaux, PhD Student


All Publications :

2022 :

  • Rabé M, Fonteneau L, Oliver L, Morales-Molina A, Jubelin C, Garcia-Castro J, Heymann D, Gratas C, Vallette FM. Cellular Heterogeneity and Cooperativity in Glioma Persister Cells Under Temozolomide Treatment. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022 May 25;10:835273. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.835273. eCollection 2022. PMID: 35693929 Free PMC article.
  • Garnier D, Ratcliffe E, Briand J, Cartron PF, Oliver L, Vallette FM. The Activation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Glioblastoma Microvesicles Alters Their Exosomal Secretion of miR-100-5p, miR-9-5p and let-7d-5p. Biomedicines. 2022 Jan 6;10(1):112. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10010112. PMID: 35052791 Free PMC article.
  • Lalier L, Vallette F, Manon S. Bcl-2 Family Members and the Mitochondrial Import Machineries: The Roads to Death. Biomolecules. 2022 Jan 19;12(2):162. doi: 10.3390/biom12020162. PMID: 35204663 Free PMC article. Review.

2021 :

  • Thomas P, Galopin N, Bonérandi E, Clémenceau B, Fougeray S, Birklé S. CAR T Cell Therapy's Potential for Pediatric Brain Tumors Cancers (Basel). 2021 Oct 29;13(21):5445. doi: 10.3390/cancers13215445. PMID: 34771608 Free PMC article. Review.
  • Alzial G, Renoult O, Paris F, Gratas C, Clavreul A, Pecqueur C. Wild-type isocitrate dehydrogenase under the spotlight in glioblastoma. Oncogene. 2022 Jan;41(5):613-621. doi: 10.1038/s41388-021-02056-1. Epub 2021 Nov 11. PMID: 34764443 Free PMC article. Review.
  • Lalier L, Mignard V, Joalland MP, Lanoé D, Cartron PF, Manon S, Vallette FM. TOM20-mediated transfer of Bcl2 from ER to MAM and mitochondria upon induction of apoptosis. Cell Death Dis. 2021 Feb 15;12(2):182. doi: 10.1038/s41419-021-03471-8. PMID: 33589622 Free PMC article.
  • Poczobutt JM, Mikosz AM, Poirier C, Beatman EL, Serban KA, Gally F, Cao D, McCubbrey AL, Cornell CF, Schweitzer KS, Berdyshev EV, Bronova IA, Paris F, Petrache I. Altered Macrophage Function Associated with Crystalline Lung Inflammation in Acid Sphingomyelinase Deficiency. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2021 May;64(5):629-640. doi: 10.1165/rcmb.2020-0229OC. PMID: 33662226 Free PMC article
  • Terrié E, Déliot N, Benzidane Y, Harnois T, Cousin L, Bois P, Oliver L, Arnault P, Vallette F, Constantin B, Coronas V. Store-Operated Calcium Channels Control Proliferation and Self-Renewal of Cancer Stem Cells from Glioblastoma. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Jul 8;13(14):3428. doi: 10.3390/cancers13143428. PMID: 34298643 Free PMC article.
  • Almeida L, Estrada-Rodriguez G, Oliver L, Peurichard D, Poulain A, Vallette F. Treatment-induced shrinking of tumour aggregates: a nonlinear volume-filling chemotactic approach J Math Biol. 2021 Aug 24;83(3):29. doi: 10.1007/s00285-021-01642-x. PMID: 34427771
  • Prasanna PG, Citrin DE, Hildesheim J, Ahmed MM, Venkatachalam S, Riscuta G, Xi D, Zheng G, Deursen JV, Goronzy J, Kron SJ, Anscher MS, Sharpless NE, Campisi J, Brown SL, Niedernhofer LJ, O'Loghlen A, Georgakilas AG, Paris F, Gius D, Gewirtz DA, Schmitt CA, Abazeed ME, Kirkland JL, Richmond A, Romesser PB, Lowe SW, Gil J, Mendonca MS, Burma S, Zhou D, Coleman CN. Therapy-Induced Senescence: Opportunities to Improve Anticancer Therapy. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2021 Oct 1;113(10):1285-1298. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djab064. PMID: 33792717 Free PMC article.
  • Tilly G, Cadoux M, Garcia A, Morille J, Wiertlewski S, Pecqueur C, Brouard S, Laplaud D, Degauque N. Teriflunomide Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis Selectively Modulates CD8 Memory T Cells. Front Immunol. 2021 Oct 5;12:730342. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.730342. eCollection 2021. PMID: 34721394 Free PMC article.
  • Foucault A, Ravalet N, Besombes J, Picou F, Gallay N, Babin L, Bourgeais J, Hamard S, Domenech J, Loyer P, Vallet N, Lejeune J, Gyan E, Béné MC, Vallette F, Olivier C, Hérault O. Low-Dose Pesticides Alter Primary Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells through ALDH2 Inhibition. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Nov 14;13(22):5699. doi: 10.3390/cancers13225699. PMID: 34830855 Free PMC article.
  • Olivier C, Oliver L, Lalier L, Vallette FM. Drug Resistance in Glioblastoma: The Two Faces of Oxidative Stress. Front Mol Biosci. 2021 Jan 27;7:620677. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2020.620677. eCollection 2020. PMID: 33585565 Free PMC article. Review.
  • Combot Y, Salo VT, Chadeuf G, Hölttä M, Ven K, Pulli I, Ducheix S, Pecqueur C, Renoult O, Lak B, Li S, Karhinen L, Belevich I, Le May C, Rieusset J, Le Lay S, Croyal M, Tayeb KS, Vihinen H, Jokitalo E, Törnquist K, Vigouroux C, Cariou B, Magré J, Larhlimi A, Ikonen E, Prieur X. Seipin localizes at endoplasmic-reticulum-mitochondria contact sites to control mitochondrial calcium import and metabolism in adipocytes. Cell Rep. 2022 Jan 11;38(2):110213. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.110213. PMID: 35021082 Free article.
  • Bahri M, Kailayangiri S, Vermeulen S, Galopin N, Rossig C, Paris F, Fougeray S, Birklé S. SIRPα-specific monoclonal antibody enables antibody-dependent phagocytosis of neuroblastoma cells. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2022 Jan;71(1):71-83. doi: 10.1007/s00262-021-02968-7. Epub 2021 May 22. PMID: 34023958

2020 :

  • Garnier D, Renoult O, Alves-Guerra MC, Paris F, Pecqueur C. Glioblastoma Stem-Like Cells, Metabolic Strategy to Kill a Challenging Target. Front Oncol. 2019. 9:118.
  • Fleurence J, Bahri M, Fougeray S, Faraj S, Vermeulen S, Pinault E, Geraldo F, Oliver O, Véziers J, Marquet P, Rabé M, Gratas C, Vallette F, Pecqueur C, Paris F, Birklé S. Impairing Temozolomide Resistance Driven by Glioma Stem-Like Cells With Adjuvant Immunotherapy Targeting O-acetyl GD2 Ganglioside. Int. J. Cancer. 2020. 146 (2): 424-438
  • Rabé M, Dumont S, Álvarez-Arenas A, Janati H, Belmonte-Beitia J, Calvo GF, Thibault-Carpentier C, Séry Q, Chauvin C, Joalland N, Briand F, Blandin S, Scotet E, Pecqueur C, Clairambault J, Oliver L, Perez-Garcia V, Nadaradjane A, Cartron PF, Gratas C, Vallette FM. Identification of a transient state during the acquisition of temozolomide resistance in glioblastoma. Cell Death Dis. 2020. 11(1):19
  • Pecqueur C & F. Paris. When mitochondrial metabolism meets tumour cell radiobiology. ESTRO Newsletter Sept 2020
  • Oizel K, Yang C, Renoult O, Gautier F, Do QN, Joalland N, Gao X, Ko B, Vallette F, Ge WP, Paris F, DeBerardinis RJ, Pecqueur C. Glutamine uptake and utilization of human mesenchymal Glioblastoma in orthotopic mouse model. Cancer & Metabolism 2020; 8: 9. Published online 2020 Aug 10.
    Ketteler J, Leonetti D, Veas Roy V, Estephan H, Wittka A, Maier P, Reis H, Herskind C, Jendrossek V, Paris F, Klein D. Caveolin 1 regulates the ASMase/ ceramide-mediated radiation-response of endothelial cells in the context of tumor-stroma-interactions. Cell Death Dis. 2020. Apr; 11(4): 228
  • Leonetti D, Estéphan H, Ripoche N, Dubois N, Aguesse A, Gouard S, Brossard L, Chiavassa S, Corre I, Pecqueur C, Neunlist M, Hadchity E, Gaugler MH, Mahé MM, Paris F. Secretion of acid sphingomyelinase and ceramide by endothelial cells contributes to radiation-induced intestinal toxicity. 2020. Cancer Res. 2020 Jun 15;80(12):2651-2662. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-19-1527. Epub 2020 Apr 14.
  • Averbeck D, Candéias S, Chandna S , Foray N, Friedl AA, Haghdoost S, Jeggo PA, Lumniczky K, Paris F, Quintens R, Sabatier L. Establishing Mechanisms Affecting the Individual Response to Ionizing Radiation.  Int J Radiat Biol. 2020. 1:1-27
  • Oliver L, Lalier L, Salaud C, Heymann D, Cartron PF, Vallette FM. Drug resistance in glioblastoma: are persisters the key to therapy? Cancer Drug Resist 2020 Aug 7;3(3):287-301: DOI: 10.20517/cdr.2020.29
  • Duforestel M, Briand J, Bougras-Cartron G, Heymann D, Frenel JS, Vallette FM, Cartron PF. Cell-free circulating epimarks in cancer monitoring. Epigenomics. 2020 Jan 9. doi: 10.2217/epi-2019-0170
  • Perpoil A, Grimandi G, Birklé S, Simonet JF, Chiffoleau A, Bocquet F. Public Health Impact of Using Biosimilars, Is Automated Follow up Relevant? Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Dec 29;18(1):186. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18010186. PMID: 33383867
  • Potiron V, Clément-Colmou K, Jouglar E, Pietri M, Chiavassa S, Delpon G, Paris F, Supiot S. Tumor Vasculature Remodeling by Radiation Therapy Increases Doxorubicin Distribution and Efficacy. Cancer Lett. 2020. 457: 1-9
  • Clément-Colmou K, Potiron V, Pietri M, Guillonneau M, Jouglar E, Chiavassa S, Delpon G, Paris F, Stéphane Supiot. Influence of Radiotherapy Fractionation Schedule on the Tumor Vascular Microenvironment in Prostate and Lung Cancer Models. Cancers. 2020 12 (1).
    Dufresne S, Guéritat J, Chiavassa S, Noblet C, Assi M, Rioux-Leclercq N, Rannou-Bekono F, Lefeuvre-Orfila L, Paris F, Rébillard A. Exercise training improves radiotherapy efficiency in a murine model of prostate cancer. FASEB J 2020. Accepted. PMID 32043634
  • Mignard V, Dubois N, Lanoé D, Joalland MP, Oliver L, Pecqueur C, Heymann D, Paris F, Vallette FM, Lalier L. Sphingolipids Distribution at Mitochondria-Associated Membranes (MAM) Upon Induction of Apoptosis. 2020. J Lipid Res. 2020 Jul;61(7):1025-1037.
  • Salaud C, Alvarez-Arenas A, Geraldo F, Belmonte-Beitia J, Calvo GF, Gratas C, Pecqueur C, Garnier D, Pérez-Garcià V, Vallette FM, Oliver L. Mitochondria transfer from tumor-activated stromal cells (TASC) to primary Glioblastoma cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2020 Sep 14:S0006-291X(20)31699-5. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.08.101.
  • Briand J, Garnier D, Nadaradjane A, Clément-Colmou K, Potiron V, Supiot S, Bougras-Cartron G, Frenel JS, Heymann D, Vallette FM, Cartron PF. Radiotherapy-induced overexpression of exosomal miRNA-378a-3p in cancer cells limits natural killer cells cytotoxicity. Epigenomics. 2020 Mar;12(5):397-408. doi: 10.2217/epi-2019-0193
  • Cheray M, Etcheverry A, Jacques C, Pacaud R, Bougras-Cartron G, Aubry M, Denoual F, Peterlongo P, Nadaradjane A, Briand J, Akcha F, Heymann D, Vallette FM, Mosser J, Ory B, Cartron PF. Cytosine methylation of mature microRNAs inhibits their functions and is associated with poor prognosis in glioblastoma multiforme. Mol Cancer. 2020 Feb 25;19(1):36. doi: 10.1186/s12943-020-01155-z
  • Briand J, Sérandour AA, Nadaradjane A, Bougras-Cartron G, Heymann D, Ory B, Vallette FM, Cartron PF. N6-Adenosine Methylation of miRNA-200b-3p Influences Its Functionality and Is a Theranostic Tool. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2020 Aug 14;22:72-83. doi: 10.1016/j.omtn.2020.08.010
  • Pérez-García VM,  Calvo GF, Bosque JJ, León-Triana O, Jiménez J, Pérez-Beteta J, Belmonte-Beitia J, Valiente M, Zhu L, García-Gómez P, Sánchez-Gómez P, Hernández-San Miguel E, Hortigüela R, Azimzade Y, Molina-García D, Martínez A, Acosta Rojas A, Ortiz de Mendivil A, Vallette FM, Schucht P, Albillo D, Pérez-Cano M, Murek M, Honguero Martínez AF,  Jiménez Londoño GA, Arana E, García Vicente AM. Universal scaling laws rule explosive growth in human cancers. Nat Phys. 2020 Dec;16(12):1232-1237. doi: 10.1038/s41567-020-0978-6. Epub 2020 Aug 10. PMID: 33329756 Free PMC article.
  • Pariset E, Penninckx S, Kerbaul CD, Guiet E, Macha AL, Cekanaviciute E, Snijders AM, Mao JH, Paris F, Costes SV. 53BP1 Repair Kinetics for Prediction of In Vivo Radiation Susceptibility in 15 Mouse Strains. Radiat Res. 2020 Nov 10;194(5):485-499. doi: 10.1667/RADE-20-00122.1 PMID: 32991727
  • Briand J, Sérandour AA, Nadaradjane A, Bougras-Cartron G, Heymann D, Ory B, Vallette FM, Cartron PF. N6-Adenosine Methylation of miRNA-200b-3p Influences Its Functionality and Is a Theranostic Tool. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2020 Aug 14;22:72-83. doi: 10.1016/j.omtn.2020.08.010. PMID: 32916600
  • Guyon N, Garnier D, Briand J, Nadaradjane A, Bougras-Cartron G, Raimbourg J, Campone M, Heymann D, Vallette FM, Frenel JS, Cartron PF Anti-PD1 therapy induces lymphocyte-derived exosomal miRNA-4315 release inhibiting Bim-mediated apoptosis of tumor cells. Cell Death Dis. 2020 Dec 11;11(12):1048. doi: 10.1038/s41419-020-03224-z. PMID: 33311449

2019 :

  • Leveque X, Hochane M, Geraldo F, Dumont S, Gratas C, Oliver L, Gaignier C, Trichet V, Layrolle P, Heymann D, Herault O, Vallette FM, Olivier C. Low-Dose Pesticide Mixture Induces Accelerated Mesenchymal Stem Cell Aging In Vitro. Stem Cells. 2019. 37(8):1083-1094.
  • Supiot S, Rousseau C, Dore M, Chèze-Le-Rest C, Kandel-Aznar C, Potiron V, Guerif S, Paris F, Ferrer L, Campion L, Meingan P, Delpon G, Hatt M, Visvikis D. Reoxygenation during radiotherapy in intermediate-risk prostate cancer. Radiother Oncol. 2019.133:16-19.
  • Sosa Marrero C, Acosta O, Castro M, Hernandez, Rioux-Leclercq N, Paris F, de Crevoisier R. Sensitivity analysis of an in silico model of tumor growth and radiation response. IEEE. 2019. Processing article. ISBI.
  • Briand J, Nadaradjane A, Bougras-Cartron G, Olivier C, Vallette FM, Cartron PF. Diuron exposure and Akt overexpression promote glioma formation through DNA hypomethylation. Clinical Epigenetics. 2019
  • Duforestel M, Nadaradjane A, Bougras-Cartron G, Olivier C, Frenel JS, Vallette FM, Lelièvre S, Cartron PF. Glyphosate primes mammary cells for tumorigenesis by reprogramming the epigenome in a TET3-dependent manner. Frontiers in Genetics. 2019
  • Valès S, Bacola G, Biraud M, Touvron M, Bessard A, Geraldo F, Dougherty KA, Lashani S, Bossard C, Flamant M, Duchalais E, Marionneau-Lambot S, Oullier T, Oliver L, Neunlist M, Vallette FM, Van Landeghem L. Tumor cells hijack enteric glia to activate colon cancer stem cells and stimulate tumorigenesis. EBioMedicine. 2019 Nov;49:172-188. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2019.09.045. Epub 2019 Oct 26.
  • Ginisty A, Oliver L, Arnault P, Vallette F, Benzakour O, Coronas V.. The vitamin K-dependent factor, protein S, regulates brain neural stem cell migration and phagocytic activities towards glioma cells. Eur J Pharmacol. 2019 Jul 15;855:30-39. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2019.04.039. Epub 2019 Apr 24
  • Chauvin C, Joalland N, Perroteau J, Jarry U, Lafrance L, Willem C, Retière C, Oliver L, Gratas C, Gautreau-Rolland L, Saulquin X, Vallette FM, Vié H, Scotet E, Pecqueur C. NKG2D Controls Natural Reactivity of Vγ9Vδ2 T Lymphocytes against Mesenchymal Glioblastoma Cells. Clin Cancer Res. 2019. 25(23):7218-7228
  • Aguilar E, Esteves P, Sancerni T, Lenoir V, Aparicio T, Bouillaud F, Dentin R, Prip-Buus C, Ricquier D, Pecqueur C, Guilmeau S, Alves-Guerra MC. UCP2 Deficiency Increases Colon Tumorigenesis by Promoting Lipid Synthesis and Depleting NADPH for Antioxidant Defenses. Cell Rep. 2019. 28(9):2306-2316
  • Bahri M, Fleurence J, Faraj S, Ben Mostefa Daho M, Fougeray S, Birklé S. Potentiation of Anticancer Antibody Efficacy by Antineoplastic Drugs: Detection of Antibody-drug Synergism Using the Combination Index Equation. J Vis Exp. 2019;(143).
  • Marin E, Bouchet-Delbos L, Renoult O, Louvet C, Nerriere-Daguin V, Managh AJ, Even A, Giraud M, Vu Manh TP, Aguesse A, Bériou G, Chiffoleau E, Alliot-Licht B, Prieur X, Croyal M, Hutchinson JA, Obermajer N, Geissler EK, Vanhove B, Blancho G, Dalod M, Josien R, Pecqueur C, Cuturi MC, Moreau A. Human Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells Regulate Immune Responses through Lactate Synthesis. Cell Metab. 2019. 30(6):1075-1090

2018 :

  • Kilens S, Meistermann D, Moreno D, Chariau C, Gaignerie A, Reignier A, Lelièvre Y, Casanova M, Vallot C, Nedellec S, Flippe L, Firmin J, Song J, Charpentier E, Lammers J, Donnart A, Marec N, Deb W, Bihouée A, Le Caignec C, Pecqueur C, Redon R, Barrière P, Bourdon J, Pasque V, Soumillon M, Mikkelsen TS, Rougeulle C, Fréour T, David L Parallel derivation of isogenic human primed and naive induced pluripotent stem cells. Nat Commun. 2018. 9(1):360
  • Jarry U, Joalland N, Chauvin C, Clemenceau B, Pecqueur C, Scotet E. Stereotactic Adoptive Transfer of Cytotoxic Immune Cells in Murine Models of Orthotopic Human Glioblastoma Multiforme Xenografts. J Vis Exp. 2018. (139):57870
  • Joalland N, Chauvin C, Oliver L, Vallette FM, Pecqueur C, Jarry U, Scotet E IL-21 Increases the Reactivity of Allogeneic Human Vγ9Vδ2 T Cells Against Primary Glioblastoma Tumors. J Immunother. 2018. 41(5):224-231
  • Brown HK, Tellez-Gabriel M, Cartron PF, Vallette FM, Heymann MF, Heymann D. Characterization of circulating tumor cells as a reflection of the tumor heterogeneity: myth or reality? Drug Discov Today. 2019 Mar;24(3):763-772. doi: 10.1016/j.drudis.2018.11.017. Epub 2018 Nov 26. Review.
  • Noblet C, Delpon G, Supiot S, Potiron V, Paris F, Chiavassa S. A new tissue segmentation method to calculate 3D dose in small animal radiation therapy. Radiat Oncol. 2018. 13(1):32
  • Vallette FM, Olivier C, Lézot F, Oliver L, Cochonneau D, Lalier L, Cartron PF, Heymann D. Dormant, quiescent, tolerant and persister cells: Four synonyms for the same target in cancer.Biochem Pharmacol. 2019 Apr;162:169-176. doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2018.11.004. Epub 2018 Nov 9. Review.
  • Nadaradjane A, Briand J, Bougras-Cartron G, Disdero V, Vallette FM, Frenel JS, Cartron PF. miR-370-3p Is a Therapeutic Tool in Anti-glioblastoma Therapy but Is Not an Intratumoral or Cell-free Circulating Biomarker. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2018 Dec 7;13:642-650. PMID: 30497054.
  • Briand J, Nadaradjane A, Vallette FM, Cartron PF (2018) The TET2 Expression Level Correlates with a Short Relapse Time in Glioblastoma Multiforme. J Clin Epigenet 4:12. doi: 10.21767/2472-1158.100097
  • Chalopin A, Tellez-Gabriel M, Brown HK, Vallette F, Heymann MF, Gouin F, Heymann D.. Isolation of circulating tumor cells in a preclinical model of osteosarcoma: Effect of chemotherapy. J Bone Oncol. 2018 Jul 26;12:83-90. doi: 10.1016/j.jbo.2018.07.002. eCollection 2018 Sep
  • Supiot S, Rousseau C, Dore M, Cheze-Le-Rest C, Kandel-Aznar C, Potiron V, Guerif S, Paris F, Ferrer L, Campion L, Meingan P, Delpon G, Hatt M, Visvikis D. Evaluation of tumor hypoxia prior to radiotherapy in intermediate-risk prostate cancer using 18F-fluoromisonidazole PET/CT: a pilot study. Oncotarget. 2018. 9(11):10005-10015.
  • Guipaud O, Jaillet C, Clément-Colmou K, François A, Supiot S, Milliat F. The importance of the vascular endothelial barrier in the immune-inflammatory response induced by radiotherapy. British Journal of Radiology (2018)

2017 :

  • Oizel K, Chauvin C, Oliver L, Gratas C, Geraldo F, Jarry U, Scotet E, Rabe M, Alves-Guerra MC, Teusan R, Gautier F, Loussouarn D, Compan V, Martinou JC, Vallette FM, Pecqueur C. Efficient Mitochondrial Glutamine Targeting Prevails Over Glioblastoma Metabolic Plasticity. Clin Cancer Res. 2017. 23(20):6292-6304
  • Fleurence J, Fougeray S, Bahri M, Cochonneau D, Clémenceau B, Paris F, Heczey A, Birklé S. Targeting O-Acetyl-GD2 Ganglioside for Cancer Immunotherapy. J Immunol Res. 2017; 2017. 5604891.
  • Niaudet C, Bonnaud S, Guillonneau M, Gouard S, Gaugler MH, Dutoit S, Ripoche N, Dubois N, Trichet V, Corre I, Paris F. Plasma membrane reorganization links acid sphingomyelinase /ceramide to p38 MAPK pathways in endothelial cells apoptosis. Cell. Signal. 2017. ;33:10-21
  • Lafargue A, Degorre C, Corre I, Alves-Guerra MC, Gaugler MH, Vallette F, Pecqueur C, Paris F. Ionizing radiation induces long-term senescence in endothelial cells through mitochondrial respiratory complex II dysfunction and superoxide generation. Free Radic Biol Med. 2017. 108:750-759.
  • Corre I, Paris F, Houle F, Huot J. p38, a major pleiotropic pathway that transduces stress and metastatic signals in endothelial cells. Oncotarget. 2017. 8:55684-714
  • Faraj S, Bahri M, Fougeray S, El Roz A, Fleurence J, Véziers J, Leclair MD, Thébaud E, Paris F, Birklé S. Neuroblastoma chemotherapy can be augmented by immunotargeting O-acetyl-GD2 tumor-associated ganglioside. Oncoimmunology. 2017. 7(1):e1373232.
  • Hochane M, Trichet V, Pecqueur C, Avril P, Oliver L, Denis J, Brion R, Amiaud J, Pineau A, Naveilhan P, Heymann D, Vallette FM, Olivier C. Low-Dose Pesticide Mixture Induces Senescence in Normal Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) and Promotes Tumorigenic Phenotype in Premalignant MSC. Stem Cells. 2017. 35(3):800-811
  • Harford-Wright E, Andre-Gregoire G, Jacobs KA, Treps L, Le Gonidec S, Leclair HM, Gonzalez-Diest S, Roux Q, Guillonneau F, Loussouarn D, Oliver L, Vallette FM, Foufelle F, Valet P, Davenport AP, Glen RC, Bidere N, Gavard J. Pharmacological targeting of apelin impairs glioblastoma growth. Brain. 2017 Nov 1;140(11):2939-2954. doi: 10.1093/brain/awx253
  • Raimbourg J, Joalland MP, Cabart M, de Plater L, Bouquet F, Savina A, Decaudin D, Bennouna J, Vallette FM, Lalier L. Sensitization of EGFR Wild-Type Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells to EGFR-Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Erlotinib. Mol Cancer Ther. 2017 Aug;16(8):1634-1644. doi: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-17-0075. Epub 2017 May 18.
  • Alligand B, Le Breton M, Marquis D, Vallette F, Fleury F. Functional effects of diphosphomimetic mutations at cAbl-mediated phosphorylation sites on Rad51 recombinase activity. Biochimie. 2017 Aug;139:115-124. doi: 10.1016/j.biochi.2017.05.020. Epub 2017 May 29
  • Peyraga G, Lizee T, Gustin P, Clement-Colmou K, Di Bartolo C, Supiot S, Mahe MA, François S, Mege M. Treatment of cutaneous and/or soft tissue manisfestations of corticostreroids refractory graft versus host disease (cGVHD) by a total nodal irradiation (TNI). Clin Transplant. 2017 Apr;31(4)
  • Clement-Colmou K, Roualdes V, Martin SA, Josset S, Desal H, Campion L, Thillays F. Dynamic conformal arc radiosurgery for arteriovenous malformations : Outcome and influence of clinical and dosimetrical data. Radiother Oncol. 2017 May;123(2):251-256
  • Séry Q, Rabé M, Oliver L, Vallette FM, Gratas C. HB-EGF is associated with DNA damage and Mcl-1 turnover in human glioma cell lines treated by Temozolomide. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017. 493(4):1377-1383.
  • Pautu V, Leonetti D, Lepeltier E, Clere N, Passirani C. Nanomedicine as a potent strategy in melanoma tumor microenvironment. Pharmacological Research (2017)
  • Paul-Gilloteaux P, Potiron V, Delpon G, Supiot S, Chiavassa S, Paris F, Costes SV. Optimizing radiotherapy protocols using computer automata to model tumor cell death in function of oxygen diffusion processes. Sci Rep. 2017. 23;7(1):2280.


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  Funding :
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Mis à jour le 29 September 2022.