CRCI²NA - Nantes - Angers Cancer and Immunology Research Center

Team 1: ITMI

Immunomodulation of the Tumor Microenvironment and Immunotherapy of Thoracic Cancers

Team leaders: Dr Christophe Blanquart & Jean-François Fonteneau

Our projects aim at understanding the tumor microenvironment of aggressive cancers, especially malignant pleural mesothelioma and lung cancer, to develop innovative therapeutic strategies by combining their direct cytotoxicity with induction of specific antitumor immune responses.

Research projects

Our team has an expertise in developing novel therapies that exploit immunogenic cell death induction in order to improve the treatment of cancers that are known to be resistant to conventional therapies, like mesothelioma, a type of cancer due to exposure to asbestos, or lung cancer. Two main approaches are currently being developed in our laboratory: epigenetic therapy and cancer virotherapy.

The first approach deals with the identification, vectorization and use of new epigenetic drugs. Our results show that these molecules, developed in collaboration with Dr P. Bertrand (CNRS, Poitiers), have, in addition to their cytotoxic activities, interesting immunological properties such as the ability to induce the expression of new antigens by tumor cells. Along with Dr E. Ishow (Université de Nantes), we also work on the development of vectors for these molecules to address them directly to the tumor in order to increase their efficacy and diminish potential side effects.

Our second approach consists in the use of oncolytic viruses that are able to target specifically tumor cells without harming the healthy ones. We mainly focus on the use of an attenuated strain of measles virus, produced by the group of Dr F. Tangy (Institut Pasteur, Paris), of which we demonstrated the antitumor properties against mesothelioma, melanoma, lung and colorectal adenocarcinomas. When infected, these different types of tumor cells are induced toward immunogenic cell death that allows activation of several immune populations, for example myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cells that are able to activate cytotoxic T cell responses by cross-presenting tumor antigens.

To improve and develop our innovative therapies, our third goal is to better understand the tumor microenvironment (TME) of thoracic cancers. In the TME, stromal cells are corrupted by malignant cells, creating a permissive microenvironment which drives cancer progression. Our team has an expertise in studying this communication between tumor, immune and stromal cells such as endothelial cells. We are particularly interested in unraveling how endothelial cells could modulate the TME and response to treatments. Several other aspects are currently being investigated at our laboratory: direct interaction, soluble factors (IL-34), non-coding RNAs and extracellular vesicles. We recently demonstrated that EVs from tumor cells reduce the immune response against them through the transfer of microRNAs (miRNAs) targeting key genes of T cell functions.

 Our Biocollections  foule

Team members


Christophe Blanquart, DR2 (CNRS)
Jean-François Fonteneau, CRCN (INSERM)
Nicolas Boisgerault, CRCN (INSERM)
Isabelle Corre, CRHC (CNRS)
Delphine Fradin, CRCN (INSERM)
Lucas Treps, CRCN (CNRS)

Laurent Cellerin, PH (CHU Nantes)
Anne-Laure Chéné, AHU (CHU Nantes)
Murielle Corvaisier-Chiron, CEC (CHU Nantes)
Marc Denis, PU-PH (CHU Nantes)
Elvire Pons-Tostivint, MCU-PH (CHU Nantes)
Christine Sagan, PH (CHU Nantes)

Tiphaine Delaunay, Post-doctorante
Tacien Petithomme, Post-doctorant

Camille Chatelain, IE (CDD INSERM)
Marine Cotinat, AI (CDD INSERM)
Virginie Dehame, TR (CHU Nantes)
Sophie Deshayes, TR (CNRS)
Judith Fresquet, IE (INSERM)
Joëlle Nader, IE (CDD INSERM)

Clara Bourreau, PhD Student
Manon Chang, PhD Student
Morgane Fouet, PhD Student
Morgane Krejbich, PhD Student
Thomas Papazyan, PhD Student
Hortense Perdrieau, PhD Student
Nikita Rajkumari, PhD Student

About us

twitter x ITMI (@LabItmi)
link2 ITMI lab

IRSUN - Floor 6
8 quai Moncousu - BP 70721 - 44007 Nantes cedex 1

Selected Publications

Impact of RAFT chain transfer agents on the polymeric shell density of magneto-fluorescent nanoparticles and their cellular uptake.
Blondy T, Poly J, Linot C, Boucard J, Allard-Vannier E, Nedellec S, Hulin P, Hénoumont C, Larbanoix L, Muller RN, Laurent S, Ishow E, Blanquart C.
Nanoscale. 2022 Apr 14;14(15):5884-5898. doi: 10.1039/d1nr06769a.

High Oncolytic Activity of a Double-Deleted Vaccinia Virus Copenhagen Strain against Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma.
Delaunay T, Nader J, Grard M, Farine I, Hedwig V, Foloppe J, Blondy T, Violland M, Pouliquen D, Grégoire M, Boisgerault N, Erbs P, Fonteneau JF.
Mol Ther Oncolytics. 2020 Aug 25;18:573-578. doi: 10.1016/j.omto.2020.08.011. eCollection 2020 Sep 25.PMID: 32995481 Free PMC article.

Involvement of the M-CSF/IL-34/CSF-1R pathway in malignant pleural mesothelioma.
Blondy T, d'Almeida SM, Briolay T, Tabiasco J, Meiller C, Chéné AL, Cellerin L, Deshayes S, Delneste Y, Fonteneau JF, Boisgerault N, Bennouna J, Grégoire M, Jean D, Blanquart C.
J Immunother Cancer. 2020 Jun;8(1):e000182. doi: 10.1136/jitc-2019-000182.

Frequent Homozygous Deletions of Type I Interferon Genes in Pleural Mesothelioma Confer Sensitivity to Oncolytic Measles Virus.
Delaunay T, Achard C, Boisgerault N, Grard M, Petithomme T, Chatelain C, Dutoit S, Blanquart C, Royer PJ, Minvielle S, Quetel L, Meiller C, Jean D, Fradin D, Bennouna J, Magnan A, Cellerin L, Tangy F, Grégoire M, Fonteneau JF.
J Thorac Oncol. 2020 May;15(5):827-842. doi: 10.1016/j.jtho.2019.12.128. Epub 2020 Jan 13.

MicroRNAs in Tumor Exosomes Drive Immune Escape in Melanoma.
Vignard V, Labbé M, Marec N, André-Grégoire G, Jouand N, Fonteneau JF, Labarrière N, Fradin D.
Cancer Immunol Res. 2020 Feb;8(2):255-267. doi: 10.1158/2326-6066.CIR-19-0522. Epub 2019 Dec 19.


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Publications list

  • Boisgerault N, Bertrand P. Inside PD-1/PD-L1,2 with their inhibitors. Eur J Med Chem. 2023 Aug 5;256:115465. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2023.115465. Epub 2023 May 6. PMID: 37196547.
  • Lavy M, Gauttier V, Dumont A, Chocteau F, Deshayes S, Fresquet J, Dehame V, Girault I, Trilleaud C, Neyton S, Mary C, Juin P, Poirier N, Barillé-Nion S, Blanquart C. ChemR23 activation reprograms macrophages toward a less inflammatory phenotype and dampens carcinoma progression. Front Immunol. 2023 Jul 19;14:1196731. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1196731. eCollection 2023.
  • Grard M, Idjellidaine M, Arbabian A, Chatelain C, Berland L, Combredet C, Dutoit S, Deshayes S, Dehame V, Labarrière N, Fradin D, Boisgerault N, Blanquart C, Tangy F, Fonteneau JF. Oncolytic attenuated measles virus encoding NY-ESO-1 induces HLA I and II presentation of this tumor antigen by melanoma and dendritic cells. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2023 Jul 19. doi: 10.1007/s00262-023-03486-4. Online ahead of print.PMID: 37466668.
  • Fradin D, Tost J, Busato F, Mille C, Lachaux F, Deleuze JF, Apter G, Benachi A. DNA methylation dynamics during pregnancy. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2023 May 22;11:1185311. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2023.1185311. eCollection 2023.PMID: 37287456.
  • Bourreau C, Treps L, Faure S, Fradin D, Clere N. Therapeutic strategies for non-small cell lung cancer: Experimental models and emerging biomarkers to monitor drug efficacies. Pharmacol Ther. 2023 Jan 12:108347. doi: 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2023.108347.
2022 :
  • Sun S, Qi W, Rehrauer H, Ronner M, Hariharan A, Wipplinger M, Meiller C, Stahel R, Früh M, Cerciello F, Fonteneau JF, Jean D, Felley-Bosco E. Viral Mimicry Response Is Associated With Clinical Outcome in Pleural Mesothelioma. JTO Clin Res Rep. 2022 Nov 7;3(12):100430.
  • Paternot S, Raspé E, Meiller C, Tarabichi M, Assié JB, Libert F, Remmelink M, Bisteau X, Pauwels P, Blum Y, Le Stang N, Tabone-Eglinger S, Galateau-Sallé F, Blanquart C, Van Meerbeeck JP, Berghmans T, Jean D, Roger PP. Preclinical evaluation of CDK4 phosphorylation predicts high sensitivity of pleural mesotheliomas to CDK4/6 inhibition. Mol Oncol. 2022 Nov 30. doi: 10.1002/1878-0261.13351.
  • Hariharan A, Qi W, Rehrauer H, Wu L, Ronner M, Wipplinger M, Kresoja-Rakic J, Sun S, Oton-Gonzalez L, Sculco M, Serre-Beinier V, Meiller C, Blanquart C, Fonteneau JF, Vrugt B, Rüschoff JH, Opitz I, Jean D, de Perrot M, Felley-Bosco E. Heterogeneous RNA editing and influence of ADAR2 on mesothelioma chemoresistance and the tumor microenvironment. Mol Oncol. 2022 Oct 11. doi: 10.1002/1878-0261.13322.
  • Mai HL, Deshayes S, Nguyen TV, Dehame V, Chéné AL, Brouard S, Blanquart C. IL-7 is expressed in malignant mesothelioma and has a prognostic value. Mol Oncol. 2022 Aug 28. doi: 10.1002/1878-0261.13310.
  • Autin P, Deshayes S, Lea J, Boisgerault N, Dupré E, Labarrière N, Leguevel R, Fonteneau JF, Blanquart C, Fradin D.The DCMU Herbicide Shapes T-cell Functions By Modulating Micro-RNA Expression Profiles. Front Immunol. 2022 Jul 28;13:925241. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.925241. eCollection 2022.
  • Treps L, Ager A, Hida K. Editorial: Tumor Vessels as Directors of the Tumor Microenvironment: New Findings, Current Challenges & Perspectives. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022 Mar 29;10:885670. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.885670. eCollection 2022.
  • Chaumette T, Cinotti R, Mollé A, Solomon P, Castain L, Fourgeux C, McWilliam HE, Misme-Aucouturier B, Broquet A, Jacqueline C, Vourc'h M, Fradin D, Bossard C, David L, Montassier E, Braudeau C, Josien R, Villadangos JA, Asehnoune K, Bressollette-Bodin C, Poschmann J, Roquilly A. Monocyte Signature Associated with Herpes Simplex Virus Reactivation and Neurological Recovery After Brain Injury.  Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2022 Apr 29.
  • Mathiot L, Herbreteau G, Robin S, Fenat C, Bennouna J, Blanquart C, Denis M, Pons-Tostivint E. HRAS Q61L Mutation as a Possible Target for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Case Series and Review of Literature. 2022. Curr Oncol. May 20;29(5):3748-3758.
  • Blondy T, Poly J, Linot C, Boucard J, Allard-Vannier E, Nedellec S, Hulin P, Hénoumont C, Larbanoix L, Muller RN, Laurent S, Ishow E and Blanquart C. Impact of RAFT chain transfer agents on the polymeric shell density of magneto-fluorescent nanoparticles and their cellular uptake. 2022. Nanoscale. 14(15):5884-5898.
  • Laquinta S, Khazaie S, Ishow É, Blanquart C, Fréour S, Jacquemin F. Influence of the mechanical and geometrical parameters on the cellular uptake of nanoparticles: a stochastic approach. 2022.  Int J Numer Method Biomed Eng. Mar 27:e3598. doi: 10.1002/cnm.3598.
  • Charrier M, Lorant J, Contreras-Lopez R, Téjédor G, Blanquart C, Lieubeau B, Schleder C, Leroux I, Deshayes S, Fonteneau JF, Babarit C, Hamel A, Magot A, Péréon Y, Viau S, Delorme B, Luz-Crawford P, Lamirault G, Djouad F, Rouger K. Human MuStem cells exert inhibitory function on T-cell proliferation and cytotoxicity through paracrine and contact-dependent pathways. 2022. Stem Cell Res. 10;13(1):7.
  • Marazioti A, Krontira AC, Behrend SJ, Giotopoulou GA, Ntaliarda G, Blanquart C, Bayram H, Iliopoulou M, Vreka M, Trassl L, Pepe MAA, Hackl CM, Klotz LV, Weiss SAI, Koch I, Lindner M, Hatz RA, Behr J, Wagner DE, Papadaki H, Antimisiaris SG, Jean D, Deshayes S, Grégoire M, Kayalar Ö, Mortazavi D, Dilege Ş, Tanju S, Erus S, Yavuz Ö, Bulutay P, Fırat P, Psallidas I, Spella M, Giopanou I, Lilis I, Lamort AS, Stathopoulos GT. KRAS signaling in malignant pleural mesothelioma. 2022. EMBO Mol Med. 13:e13631.
2021 :
  • Pons-Tostivint E, Lugat A, Fontenau JF, Denis MG, Bennouna J. STK11/LKB1 Modulation of the Immune Response in Lung Cancer: From Biology to Therapeutic Impact.  2021. Cells. 11;10(11):3129.
  • Ollivier L, Labbé M, Fradin D, Potiron V, Supiot S. Interaction Between Modern Radiotherapy and Immunotherapy for Metastatic Prostate Cancer. 2021. Front Oncol. 11:744679.
  • Ollivier L, Guimas V, Rio E, Vaugier L, Masson I, Libois V, Labbé M, Fradin D, Potiron V, Supiot S. 2021. Combination radiotherapy-immunotherapy in genitourinary cancer. Cancer Radiother. 25(6-7):565-569.
  • Grard M, Chatelain C, Delaunay T, Pons-Tostivint E, Bennouna J, Fonteneau JF. 2021.  Homozygous Co-Deletion of Type I Interferons and CDKN2A Genes in Thoracic Cancers: Potential Consequences for Therapy. Front Oncol. 11:695770.
  • Lavy M, Gauttier V, Poirier N, Barillé-Nion S, Blanquart C. 2021. Specialized Pro-Resolving Mediators Mitigate Cancer-Related Inflammation: Role of Tumor-Associated Macrophages and Therapeutic Opportunities. Front Immunol. Jun 30;12:702785.
  • Briolay T, Petithomme T, Fouet M, Nguyen-Pham N, Blanquart C, Boisgerault N. 2021. Delivery of cancer therapies by synthetic and bio-inspired nanovectors. Mol Cancer. 20(1):55.
  • Sun S, Frontini F, Qi W, Hariharan A, Ronner M, Wipplinger M, Blanquart C, Rehrauer H, Fonteneau JF, Felley-Bosco E. 2021. Endogenous retrovirus expression activates type-I interferon signaling in an experimental mouse model of mesothelioma development. Cancer Lett. 10:S0304-3835(21)00108-7.
  • Tournier P, Guicheux J, Paré A, Maltezeanu A, Blondy T, Veziers J, Vignes C, André M, Lesoeur J, Barbeito A, Bardonnet R, Blanquart C, Corre P, Geoffroy V, Weiss P, Gaudin A. 2021. A partially demineralized allogeneic bone graft: in vitro osteogenic potential and preclinical evaluation in two different intramembranous bone healing models. Sci Rep. Mar 1;11(1):4907.
  • Soamalala J, Diot S, Pellerano M, Blanquart C, Galibert M, Jullian M, Puget K, Morris MC. 2021. Fluorescent Peptide Biosensor for Probing CDK6 Kinase Activity in Lung Cancer Cell Extracts. Chembiochem. 22(6):1065-1071.
2020 :
  • Petithomme T, Grard M, Fonteneau JF, Boisgerault N. Le vaccin contre la fièvre jaune : un nouveau traitement anti-tumoral ? Médecine/Sciences. 2020 Dec;36(12):1216-1217.
  • Delaunay T, Nader J, Grard M, Farine I, Hedwig V, Foloppe J, Blondy T, Violland M, Pouliquen D, Grégoire M, Boisgerault N, Erbs P, Fonteneau JF. High Oncolytic Activity of a Double-Deleted Vaccinia Virus Copenhagen Strain against Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma. Molecular Therapy Oncolytics. 2020 Aug 25;18:573-578.
  • Vallion R, Divoux J, Glauzy S, Ronin E, Lombardi Y, Lubrano di Ricco M, Grégoire S, Nemazanyy I, Durand A, Fradin D, Lucas B, Salomon BL. Regulatory T Cell Stability and Migration Are Dependent on mTOR. Journal of Immunology 2020 Oct 1;205(7):1799-1809
  • Labbé M, Hoey C, Ray J, Potiron V, Supiot S, Liu SK, Fradin D. microRNAs identified in prostate cancer: Correlative studies on response to ionizing radiation. Molecular Cancer 2020 Mar 23;19(1):63
  • Parrot T, Oger R, Allard M, Desfrançois J, Raingeard de la Blétière D, Coutolleau A, Preisser L, Khammari A, Dréno B, Delneste Y, Guardiola P, Fradin D*, Gervois N*. *co-dernier auteurs. Transcriptomic features of tumour-infiltrating CD4lowCD8high double positive αβ T cells in melanoma. Scientific Reports 2020 Apr 3;10(1):5900
  • Gauttier V, Pengam S, Durand J, Biteau K, Mary C, Morello A, Néel M, Porto G, Teppaz G, Thepenier V, Danger R, Vince N, Wilhelm E, Girault I, Abes R, Ruiz C, Trilleaud C, Ralph K, Trombetta ES, Garcia A, Vignard V, Martinet B, Glémain A, Bruneau S, Haspot F, Dehmani S, Duplouye P, Miyasaka M, Labarrière N, Laplaud D, Le Bas-Bernardet S, Blanquart C, Catros V, Gouraud PA, Archambeaud I, Aublé H, Metairie S, Mosnier JF, Costantini D, Blancho G, Conchon S, Vanhove B, Poirier N. Selective SIRPα blockade reverses tumor T cell exclusion and overcomes cancer immunotherapy resistance. J Clin Invest. 2020. 130(11):6109-6123.
  • Kara-Terki L, Treps L, Blanquart C, Fradin D. Critical Roles of Tumor Extracellular Vesicles in the Microenvironment of Thoracic Cancers. Int J Mol Sci. 2020. 21(17):E6024.
  • Jean D, Delaunay T, Meiller C, Boisgerault N, Grard M, Caruso S, Blanquart C, Felley-Bosco E, Bennouna J, Tangy F, Grégoire M, Fonteneau JF. Reply to: Oncolytic Viral Therapy for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma. J Thorac Oncol. 2020. 15(7):e113-e116.
  • Blondy T, d’Almeida SM, Briolay T, Tabiasco J, Meiller C, Chéné AL, Cellerin L, Deshayes S, Delneste Y, Fonteneau JF, Boisgerault N, Bennouna J, Grégoire M, Jean D, Blanquart C. Involvement of the M-CSF/IL-34/CSF-1R pathway in malignant pleural mesothelioma. J Immunother Cancer. 2020. 8(1):e000182.
  • Blanquart C, Jaurand MC, Jean D. The Biology of Malignant Mesothelioma and the Relevance of Preclinical Models. Front Oncol. 2020. 25;10:388
  • Delaunay T, Achard C, Boisgerault N, Grard M, Petithomme T, Chatelain C, Dutoit S, Blanquart C, Royer PJ, Minvielle S, Quetel L, Meiller C, Jean D, Fradin D, Bennouna J, Magnan A, Cellerin L, Tangy F, Grégoire M, Fonteneau JF. Frequent homozygous deletions of type I interferon genes in pleural mesothelioma confer sensitivity to oncolytic measles virus. J Thorac Oncol. 2020. 15(5):827-842.
  • Delaunay T, Achard C, Grégoire M, Tangy F, Boisgerault N, Fonteneau JF. A Functional Assay to Determine the Capacity of Oncolytic Viruses to Induce Immunogenic Tumor Cell Death. Methods Mol Biol. 2020. 2058:127-132.
  • Vignard V, Labbé M, Marec N, André-Grégoire G, Jouand N, Fonteneau JF, Labarrière N, Fradin D. MicroRNAs in Tumor Exosomes Drive Immune Escape in Melanoma. Cancer Immunol Res. 2020. Feb;8(2):255-267.
  • Marotte L, Simon S, Vignard V, Dupré E, Gantier M, Cruard J, Alberge JB, Hussong M, Deleine C, Heslan JM, Schaffer J, Fradin D, Jarry A, N’Guyen T, Labarrière N. Increased anti-tumor efficacy of Human PD-1 deficient Melanoma-specific Lymphocytes. J ImmunoTher Cancer. 2020. 8(1). pii: e000311.
  • Vanbervliet-Defrance B, Delaunay T, Daunizeau T,  Kepenekian V, Glehen O, Weber K, Estornes Y, Ziverec A, Djemal L, Delphin M,  Lantuéjoul S, Passot G, Grégoire M, Micheau O, Blanquart C, Renno T, Fonteneau JF,  Lebecque S, Mahtouk K. Cisplatin unleashes Toll-like receptor 3-mediated apoptosis through the downregulation of c-FLIP in malignant mesothelioma. Cancer Letters. 2020. 1;472:29-39.
2019 :
  • Samimi M, Benlalam H, Aumond P, Gaboriaud P, Fradin D, Kervarrec T, Florenceau L, Vignard V, Blom A, Touzé A, Gervois N, Labarriere N. Viral and tumor antigen-specific CD8 T-cell responses in Merkel cell carcinoma. Cell Immunol. 2019. 344:103961.
  • Guillaume T, Dehame V, Chevallier P, Peterlin P, Garnier A, Grégoire M, Pichinuk E, Rubinstein DB, Wreschner DH. Targeting cell-bound MUC1 on myelomonocytic, monocytic leukemias and phenotypically defined leukemic stem cells with anti-SEA module antibodies. Exp Hematol. 2019. 70:97-108.
  • Bertrand P*, Blanquart C*, Héroguez V*. The ROMP: A Powerful Approach to Synthesize Novel pH-Sensitive Nanoparticles for Tumor Therapy. Biomolecules. 2019. 12;9(2).
  • Bouchet S, Linot C, Ruzic D, Agbaba D, Fouchaq B, Roche J, Nikolic K, Blanquart C, Bertrand P. Extending Cross Metathesis To Identify Selective HDAC Inhibitors: Synthesis, Biological Activities, and Modeling. ACS Med Chem Lett. 2019. 10(6):863-868.
  • Boucard J, Briolay T, Blondy T, Boujtita M, Nedellec S, Hulin P, Grégoire M, Blanquart C*, Ishow E*. Hybrid Azo-fluorophore Organic Nanoparticles as Emissive Turn-on Probes for Cellular Endocytosis. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2019. 11(36):32808-32814.
  • Autin P, Blanquart C, Fradin D. Epigenetic Drugs for Cancer and microRNAs: A Focus on Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors. Cancers (Basel). 2019. 11(10).
  • Blanquart C, Linot C, Cartron PF, Tomaselli D, Mai A, Bertrand P. Epigenetic metalloenzymes. Curr Med Chem. 2019. 26(15):2748-2785.
2018 :
  • Smeele P, d’Almeida SM, Meiller C, Chéné AL, Liddell C, Cellerin L, Montagne F, Deshayes S, Benziane S, Copin MC, Hofman P, Le Pimpec-Barthes F, Porte H, Scherpereel A, Grégoire M, Jean D and Blanquart C. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a new soluble biomarker for malignant pleural mesothelioma involved in angiogenesis. Mol Cancer. 2018. 17(1):148.
  • Lok A, Descamps G, Tessoulin B, Chiron D, Eveillard M, Godon C, Le Bris Y, Vabret A, Bellanger C, Maillet L, Barillé-Nion S, Gregoire M, Fonteneau JF, Le Gouill S, Moreau P, Tangy F, Amiot M, Moreau-Aubry A, Pellat-Deceunynck C. p53 regulates CD46 expression and measles virus infection in myeloma cells. Blood Adv. 2018. 11;2(23):3492-3505.
  • Hladíková K, Partlová S, Koucký V, Bouček J, Fonteneau JF, Zábrodský M, Tachezy R, Grega M, Špíšek R, Fialová A. Dysfunction of HPV16-specific CD8+ T cells derived from oropharyngeal tumors is related to the expression of Tim-3 but not PD-1. Oral Oncol. 2018. 82:75-82.
  • Vidakovic M, Marinello J, Lahtela-Kakkonen M, Matulis D, Linkuvienė V, Michel BY, Navakauskienė R, Christodoulou MS, Passarella D, Klimasauskas S, Blanquart C, Cuendet M, Ovadi J, Poulain S, Fontaine-Vive F, Burger A, Martinet N.. New Insights into the Epigenetic Activities of Natural Compounds. OBM Genetics. 2018. 2(3):029.
  • Boucard J, Linot C, Blondy T, Nedellec S, Hulin P, Blanquart C*, Lartigue L, Ishow E*. Small Molecule-Based Fluorescent Organic Nanoassemblies with Strong Hydrogen Bonding Networks for Fine Tuning and Monitoring Drug Delivery in Cancer Cells. Small. 2018. 14(38):e1802307.
  • Vignard V and Fradin D. Non-coding RNAs in Cutaneous Melanoma Development, Progression and Dissemination. OBM Genetics. 2018. 2 (2), p1 10.21926/obm.genet.1802020. Review.
  • Bensaid D, Blondy T, Deshayes S, Dehame V, Bertrand P, Grégoire M, Errami M, Blanquart C. Assessment of new HDAC inhibitors for immunotherapy of malignant pleural mesothelioma. Clinical Epigenetics. 2018. 10:79.
  • Le Stunff C, Castell AL, Todd N, Mille C, Belot MP, Frament N, Brailly-Tabard S, Benachi A, Fradin D, Bougnères P. Fetal growth is associated with CpG methylation in the P2 promoter of the IGF1 gene. Clin Epigenetics. 2018 Apr 19;10:57.
  • Nader JS, Abadie J, Deshayes S, Boissard A, Blandin S, Blanquart C, Boisgerault N, Coqueret O, Guette C, Grégoire M, Pouliquen DL. Characterization of increasing stages of invasiveness identifies stromal/cancer cell crosstalk in rat models of mesothelioma. Oncotarget. 2018. 27;9(23):16311-16329.
2017 :
  • Linot C, Poly J, Boucard J, Pouliquen D, Nedellec S, Hulin P, Marec N, Arosio P, Lascialfari A, Guerrini A, Sangregorio C, Lecouvey M, Lartigue L, Blanquart C*, Ishow E*. PEGylated Anionic Magnetofluorescent Nanoassemblies: Impact of Their Interface Structure on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast and Cellular Uptake. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2017. 26;9(16):14242-14257.
  • Ben-Avraham D, Govindaraju DR, Budagov T, Fradin D, Durda P, Liu B, Ott S, Gutman D, Sharvit L, Kaplan R, Bougnères P, Reiner A, Shuldiner AR, Cohen P, Barzilai N, Atzmon G. The GH receptor exon 3 deletion is a marker of male-specific exceptional longevity associated with increased GH sensitivity and taller stature. Sci Adv. 2017. 16;3(6):e1602025.
  • Fradin D, Boëlle PY, Belot MP, Lachaux F, Tost J, Besse C, Deleuze JF, De Filippo G, Bougnères P. Genome-Wide Methylation Analysis Identifies Specific Epigenetic Marks In Severely Obese Children. Sci Rep. 2017.7;7:46311.
  • Belot MP, Nadéri K, Mille C, Boëlle PY, Benachi A, Bougnères P, Fradin D. Role of DNA methylation at the placental RTL1 gene locus in type 1 diabetes. Pediatr Diabetes. 2017. 18(3):178-187.
  • Boisgerault N, Grégoire M, Fonteneau JF.Viral cancer therapies: are they ready for combination with other immunotherapies?  Future Oncol. 2017. 13(18):1569-1571.
  • Kottke T, Evgin L, Shim KG, Rommelfanger D, Boisgerault N, Zaidi S, Diaz RM, Thompson J, Ilett E, Coffey M, Selby P, Pandha H, Harrington K, Melcher A, Vile R. Subversion of NK-cell and TNFα Immune Surveillance Drives Tumor Recurrence. Cancer Immunol Res. 2017. 5(11):1029-1045.
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  • Achard C, Guillerme JB, Bruni D, Boisgerault N, Combredet C, Tangy F, Jouvenet N, Grégoire M and Fonteneau JF. Oncolytic measles virus induces Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL)-mediated cytotoxicity by human myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cells. Oncoimmunology. 2017. 26;7(3):e140789
Mis à jour le 25 January 2024.