CRCI²NA - Nantes - Angers Cancer and Immunology Research Center

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Lab Management Health & Safety

The laboratory management, headed by Cécile Couriaud, oversees the technical organisation of our laboratories and and sets our purchasing policy

The health and safety manager of the research unit is the director of the Unit.
He is assisted by a health and safety team (led by Cécile Couriaud) whose mission is to advise him on the implementation of work health and safety rules
  • advising him on the implementation of occupational H&S rules
  • supervisin the activities of staff members serving as prevention assistants or referents for BSL-2 laboratories
  • integrate safety into the design of new protocols and facilities 
  • improve working methods and environment
  • make new entrants aware of the risks present in the laboratory
  • assess the risks present with the development of the single document and keep occupational health and safety records
  • support teams in the their regulatory efforts 

Technical organisation
Health and safety

Coordinator : Cécile Couriaud
Prevention assistants : Chemicals products managements : Patricia Le Saëc
Training manager NEO First aid kif management : Cécile Couriaud
Person competent in radiological protection :
Mis à jour le 25 janvier 2023.